
This feature is highly experimental and this documentation intendend for early-adsopters as the feature is evolving.

Main limitations include but are not limited to:

  • limited support of adsorbate-adsorbate interactions
  • significantly manual testing for convergence and steady-state required


For users on the Stanford Sherlock Cluster a light-weight version can be used after adding the following two lines to your ~/.bashrc

export PYTHONPATH=/home/maxjh/env/kmos/lib/python2.7/site-packages:${PYTHONPATH}
export PATH=/home/vossj/suncat/bin:/home/maxjh/env/kmos/bin/${PATH}

Evaluation of a CatMAP model using kinetic Monte Carlo

Short Overview

In order to execute a given CatMAP model as a kMC model you have to do the following steps

  • add aditional geometrical information to your *.mkm file
  • translate the *.mkm file to a kMC model using catmap to_kmc *.mkm
  • compile the resulting translated_*.mkm file using kmos translate_*.mkm
  • evaluate the compiled kMC model using catmap run_kmc to generate a kMC evaluation similar to the catmap job (beware of various options in this step you will find be consulting catmap help run_kmc)

Long Version

In order to evaluate your CatMAP model as a kMC model we use kmos as dependency. Check out it’s `documentation <http://kmos.readthedocs.org/en/latest/tutorials/index.html#installation`_ for how to install it.

Adapt the *.mkm file

Second we will have to add minimal geometrical information to the mean-field CatMAP model in order to enable the kMC translation feature figure out what nearest-neighbor site and such means. The information we need to included is the unit cell of our surface model and the positions of the adsorption sites.

It is recommended that you add this information at the end of the *.mkm file. Normally specifing the CatMAP requires “no programming”, however the *.mkm file is interpreted by the Python interpreter, so nothing keeps us from adding a little of Python code here. No worries, this shouldn’t hurt.

If you have a ASE *.traj file of your empty surface somewhere now would be a good time to copy that into the same directory as your *.mkm file. Let’s pretend this file is called slab.py and it is stored somewhere on a computer cluster under /path/to. Then you would cd to the *.mkm file and run

scp <username>@cluster:/path/to/slab.traj .

Once this done we’ll use a bit of Python to include it in the *.mkm file. So open your *.mkm file and add the end

### kMC specific settings
import ase.io
import kmos.utils

background_representaton = kmos.utils.get_ase_constructor(ase.io.read("slab.traj"))

This will achieve to things at the same time: (1) the translator will extract the unit cell from the ASE Atoms object which is important to extract nearest neighbor information. Consider for example the hollow sites on a (111) slab, a (100) slab and a (110) slab: we have 3 nearest neighbor sites, 4 nearest neighbor sites, and (2) neighbor sites respectively.

The second piece of crucial information are the actual positions of the surface sites as those cannot be reliably extracted from the surface slab geometry alone. To this end you will have to define a dictionary site_positions = {...} which contains the names of the sites as keys and the positions of the site as a list of lists in fractional coordinates. Note: this is a list of lists since a surface could have several identical sites. E.g. the fcc(100) has typically two bridge sites.

The names of the sites should correspond to those used in the reaction definition. If you haven’t used any explicit site names, catmap defaults to s. Thus a minimal setting could be

### kMC specific settings
site_positions = {
    's': [[0., 0., 0.]

It should be straightforward to expand this example to more complex surfaces. For instance for a fcc(100) surface the site settings could look like

### kMC specific settings
site_positions = {
    'bridge': [
      [.0, .5., .5], [.5, .0, .5]
    'hollow': [
      [.5, .5, .5]

There are is another key that allows to set the geometries of individual molecules. This is mostly if you want to make really spiffy visualizations. Just to give an example, this could look like

### kMC specific settings
species_representation = {
    'O': "Atoms('O')",
    'CO': "Atoms('CO', [[0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 1.7]])",
    'CO2': "Atoms('OCO', [[1., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 0.,], [-1., 1., 0]])",

And of course you might have to adapt this to the species in your system. But we will not worry about this for now.

Translate to model to kmc

Having such an adapted *.mkm file we can go on an attempt to translate it into a kMC model. Let’s pretend the *.mkm file is called model.mkm. You should then run:

catmap to_kmc model.mkm

Depending on the model this can take a while. The translation step will also evaluat the model as a CatMAP model to ensure that all variables are set and the rate constants are evaluated as stored in the *.pkl file. The kMC model will use the values of those exact rate constants in its run later on. If this step crashes or does not seem to finish try with a smaller first. Please feel free to file a bug report if your model does not translate.

Once this step is done you should see a file named model_kmc.ini in the same directory. You can have either open this file with a text editor or inspect it with kmos’ graphical editor by running

kmos edit model_kmc.ini

If you are satisfied with the result you should go ahead and compile the model by issuing

kmos export model_kmc.ini

If this takes a very long time you could try some other backend, like e.g.:

kmos export -blat_int  model_kmc.ini


If you get an f2py error complaining that it cannot compile a certain submodule, it might help to explicit set an environment variable for the Fortran compiler you are using, like e.g

export F2PY_FCOMPILER=intelem

Though the actual value may depend on your environment.

For more details please consult the kmos documentation .

Afterwards you should see a new directory named model_kmc_local_smart or something along the line. The kmc model (settings and source code) are all contained within that folder.

You should now copy the original model.mkm into the new folder model_kmc_local_smart as well as other files required by the *.mkm such as energies.txt

cp model.mkm energies.txt model_kmc_local_smart

Evaluating the kMC model

From now one there are two routes forward: (1) you can either evaluate the model for comparison with the mean-field model. (2) you can run and analyze kMC trajectories for individual descriptor points using the capabilities of the kmos.run module. This brief topical introduction will focus on the first route, please consult the kmos documentation for the latter.

To this end it is a good idea to copy the files resulting from the successful CatMAP run into the kmc folder:

cp model.mkm energies.txt model_kmc_local_smart

For a simple straightforward comparison you should cd into the directory and run

catmap run_kmc -s

This is a good check to the if all necesseary files for evaluating both the mean-field as well as the kMC model are present. The -s will cause the kmc runner to evaluate only a single data point. The process runs only on a single CPU and requires a few ~10 MB RSS memory depending mostly on the lattice size.

The default model runner can evaluate every descriptor tuple in a different process. A file name model.lock keeps track of which data points are currently evaluated. In a cluster environemnt you can therefore start many instances of the same evaluation process. Each of them will keep running until all descriptor points have been evaluated. A simple submission script could look as follows

#!/bin/bash -eux
#SBATCH -p slac
#exclusive means the nodes shouldn't be shared with
#other users
#don't specify when running jobs that don't use all
#cores on the nodes
#SBATCH --exclusive
#set a job name
#SBATCH --job-name=myjob
#a file for job output, you can check job progress
#SBATCH --output=myjob.out
# a file for errors from the job
#SBATCH --error=myjob.err
#time you think you need; default is one hour
#in minutes in this case
#SBATCH --time=08:00:00
#number of nodes you are requesting
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=4000
#get emailed about job BEGIN, END, and FAIL
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#who to send email to; please change to your email
#SBATCH  --mail-user=maxjh@stanford.edu
#task to run per node; each node has 16 cores
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=16

for i in {1..16}
    catmap run_kmc -E 100000000 -S 100000000 &
    sleep 2

Please change the email address and make the number of equilibration steps and sampling steps are sufficient.

For numbers less than 100, the number of steps is interpreted as exponent of 10 (10**x). So a convenient short-hand for running 100 million equilibration steps and 10 million sampling steps would be

catmap run_kmc -E 8 -S 7

After all data-points have been sampled a straight-forward set of plots is generated by issuing

catmap run_kmc -p

All sampled data is stored kmc_run_<model-name>.log. This is a straightforward ASCII file, which can be inspected text file or used for further post-processing by e.g. using a python script with

import numpy as np
data = np.recfromtxt('kMC_run_<model-name>.log', names=True')


import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv('kMC_run_<model-name>.log', sep='\s*', engine='python')